Sunday, May 10, 2009

The Bald and the Beautiful - The Jason and Loi Prenup

What do you get when you have:

1 engaged couple +
6 cool friends who happen to be kick@ss photographers +
1 uber-talented make-up artist +
1 super friendly friend +
4 sets worth of clothes +
5 Nikon DSLRs and a slew of lenses +
2 Lumix HD cams +
2 borrowed vehicles +
3 boats +
1 awesome God
1 totally unforgettable day!

There seems to be some truth to the adage "It's not what you know, it's who you know". And we couldn't have been more blessed to have friends who were kind enough to lend us their talents for our prenup. And so, one fine day in March, we traveled 200+ kilometers to the sandy shores of Anawangin off the coast of Zambales for a day like none before it.

Starting off slow...

Getting warmer ...

Totally HOT!!!

Time for our next set

Love the look...

This is actually how we were when we first saw each other.
She saw stars while I ... you get the point.

Love this set!


The spy who loved me...

To Erron and Jesy, Carlo and Junie, Jayjay, Hyds, Gracielle and Tiqui, what can we say? We literally could not have done it without you! Well, maybe just a little, but it wouldn't have been remotely as fun!

Of course, many thanks to sir Jong and Imagine Nation for the support and encouragement, without which we wouldn't be the photographers, nope, the people we are today.

Tiqui deserves special mention for conquering her "love" for all things wet. Love ya Tiqs! I knew Loi was a looker (of course! I have taste 'no!), but I honestly was blown away after Jesy's capable hands and Erron's styling. Awesome job, you two! Jayjay and Hyds were all over the place, making the Lumix seem like full-blown HD cams. Woot! Carlo and Junie were Heaven-sent, and I honestly would do the same for them when ... let's not get ahead of ourselves. And for the record, none, and I mean NONE of this would have been possible without ILLUMINATION by Gracielle Hernandez.

A huge THANK YOU, everyone! We HEART you!